ShareWiz Ultra Secure Server Setup

Active Directory Security

active directory

Active Directory Security


This describes how to add an Ubuntu box in an Active Directory domain and to authenticate the users with AD.

Centrify Express and Likewise Open are alternative solutions for Linux systems to authenticate to an Active Directory domain.

For Centrify Express see DirectControl.

For Likewise Open see [LikewiseOpen] or Likewise Open.


Used Terms

The following are terms that are often used with Active Directory.

ADActive Directory
DCDomain Controller
sharewiz.netAD domain
pdc.sharewiz.netDC FQDN IP Adress
SHAREWIZ.NETKerberos Realm
testpccomputername of the Ubuntu workstation
testpc.sharewiz.netFQDN of the Ubuntu workstation
ntp.sharewiz.nettimeserver (NTP)


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