ShareWiz Ultra Secure Server Setup

Anti-Virus Security


Setup Anti-Virus

Install the ClamAV AntiVirus application (highly recommended)

Issue the following command:

sudo aptitude install clamav clamav-docs clamav-freshclam clamav-daemon

clamav is an anti-virus application.

The clamav-daemon package creates a 'clamav' user; in order to allow ClamAV to scan system files, such as your mail spool, you can add clamav to the group that owns the files.


Configure ClamAV

If you are using an HTTP proxy to connect to the internet you will have to edit the file /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf adding:

Issue the following command:

sudo vi /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf

…and modify as follows:

HTTPProxyServer serveraddress

HTTPProxyPort portnumber


Update the virus definitions

Issue the following command:

sudo freshclam


Check if the clamav-daemon is running

Issue the following command:

sudo ps ax| grep [c]lamd


Modify AppArmor Settings for ClamAV

Issue the following command:

sudo vi /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.clamd

…and edit the directories and files to monitor.

This is covered in the apparmor section of /usr/share/doc/clamav/README.Debian.gz (at the end). You should update your profile to authorize scanning where you need it to happen. See the App Armor Wiki and the linked pages for details.

/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.clamd is the profile that needs to be modified for your use case.

In short: clamdscan uses clamav-daemon to scan for files. When you run clamdscan /path/to/file, in the background it just 'orders' the clamav-daemon to open that file and scan it. Because of Apparmor, clamav-daemon doesn't have the read permissions to open any file in any random directory.

You may have to adjust clamav daemon's apparmor profile to give permissions to other folders. Look for apparmor messages in the logfile (usually you do a grep for 'audit' in /var/log/messages).


Reload AppArmor Profiles

Issue the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor restart


Create a Test Virus File

Issue the following command:

sudo vi /tmp/eicar.txt

...and populate it with the following data:


The file eicar.txt is a standard test virus

The following string is the standard Eicar Test Signature:



Scan for Viruses Manually

Issue the following command:

sudo clamscan


  • To check files in the all users home directories: clamscan -r /home
  • To check all files on the computer, displaying the name of each file: clamscan -r /
  • To check all files on the computer, but only display infected files and ring a bell when found: clamscan -r --bell -i /

ClamAV can only read files that the user running it can read. If you want to check all files on the system, use the sudo command.

To test for the test virus file created above, scan the /tmp directory using clamscan -r /tmp.


Check the Logs

When ClamAV has scanned all the files you asked it to, it will report a summary:

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------

Known viruses: 33840

Scanned directories: 145

Scanned files: 226

Infected files: 1

Data scanned: 54.22 MB

I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes

Time: 20.831 sec (0 m 20 s)


Remove files affected by a virus

Add the "--remove" option to the clamscan command.

Issue the following command:

sudo clamscan --remove


Schedule ClamAV to run automatically

It is recommended to have the weekly antivirus scan of the system performed by a cron job.

Issue the following command:

sudo vi /etc/cron.weekly/clamav-sharewiz

...and populate the file with:



# Perform a scan of the system for viruses

clamscan -r --bell -i --exclude-dir=^/proc --exclude-dir=^/sys / |

mail -aFrom:clamav@`hostname` -s "Weekly antivirus scan for `hostname`"

The /proc and /sys directories are excluded from the scan as these don’t contain normal files, but instead are virtual file systems.

...and we set the file permission using the command:

sudo vi /etc/cron.weekly/clamav-sharewiz

You can also use the at command to schedule clamscan or freshclam.

Execute the following command if not running as a daemon:

at 3:30 tomorrow

at>clamscan -i / | mail


job 3 at 2012-12-11 03:30

This schedules a ClamAV scan to happen on the root (/) directory at 3:30 AM tomorrow. The output (showing only infected files) will be sent to you by e-mail.


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